Value Architecture Design y consultoría BIM with a sustainable approach.
Republic of Salvador Square
The Trust for the Historic Center of Mexico City summoned several offices of young architects to participate in the creation of commercial plazas for street vendors that were removed from perimeter A of the Center. One of these offices was Archinature Workshop® (today AE | Architect) whose way of approaching projects was based on the premise of both environmental and economic sustainability of the project. The squares located on República del Salvador and Manzanares streets place a special emphasis on the visual integration of the buildings located in historical and cataloged contexts. The first square of República del Salvador tries to formalize the conjunction of contemporary architecture with classic site architecture making a clear division both volumetric and tectonic with proportions and materials; always taking as the main element the correct management of natural light to mitigate electricity costs of the property.
Location: Historic Center, CDMX
Year 2010
Status: Before Project
Typology: Commercial.