Value Architecture Design y consultoría BIM with a sustainable approach.
NAICM - Airside Support Buildings
Collaboration for TASANA, a consortium formed by TADCO, SACMAG and Netherlands Airport Consultants, winners of the tender for the development of the Air Side project of the New Mexico City Airport located in Texoco. included theCoordination of Architecture, BIM and LEEDtogether withFoster + Partners and FREE. Said project corresponded to the development of the Support Buildings, in which the Administrative Building stands out, more than 10 maintenance buildings, 5 fire stations (CREIs), the 2 Central Service Plants (CUPs) and support for the design of the Warehouse of Fuels. All of the above under BIM methodology and standards for compliance with LEED certification.
Location: Texcoco, Edo. Mex
Year: 2014-18
Status: Canceled
Typology: Airport Design.